Builders- Terms and conditions Network Connect 2024.pdf


Builders Studio B.V. – Executive connect and match (2024)

Article 1. General

  1. These general terms and conditions apply to all offers made by Builders Studio B.V. (hereinafter referred to as "Builders") to the Friends of Builders and Clients (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") and to all ensuing assignments (pursuant to Section 7:400 of the Dutch Civil Code), which Builders performs for the Client.
  2. Provisions that deviate from these general terms and conditions can only be agreed upon in writing. This also applies to any deviating conditions used by the Client. If Builders has agreed in writing to the applicability of any deviating terms and conditions, the present terms and conditions will remain in force for the rest, even if this is not explicitly stated. The Client may not derive any rights for future contracts from any deviations from these general terms and conditions that have been agreed.

Article 2. Confirmation of the assignment

  1. All offers are without obligation, unless expressly agreed otherwise. An assignment as defined in Article 1.1. of these general terms and conditions (hereinafter to be referred to as "the Assignment") will only be effected between Builders and the Client after both Builders and the Client have signed a Confirmation of the Assignment (hereinafter to be referred to as "the Confirmation of the Assignment"). In the absence of a Confirmation of the Assignment, an Assignment is also formed between Builders and the Client when Builders commences the actual performance of the Assignment with the (tacit) approval of the Client. In the latter case, the Agreement will be concluded on the basis of Builders's offer (with the most recent offer being taken as the starting point, should more than one offer have been submitted).
  2. If an Assignment is entered into between Builders and the Client by means of a Confirmation of the Assignment, the Confirmation of the Assignment – in combination with these General Terms and Conditions - will include the agreements made between Builders and the Client and be binding on both parties. An Assignment will be carried out exclusively by Builders for the Client, unless expressly agreed otherwise.
  3. Changes to an Assignment may only be made in writing and with the consent of Builders.
  4. Insofar as changes agreed at the Client's request result in delays, these are for the Client's account and risk.

Article 3. Executive connect and matching process

  1. An Assignment submitted to Builders by the Client includes the work as indicated in the Confirmation of the Assignment.
  2. Builders will carry out the Assignment to the best of its ability and in accordance with the highest standards.
  3. Builders assumes that information provided by candidates and the Client about themselves or obtained through references is correct and complete.
  4. The Client is responsible for the final choice of a candidate. Builders is not liable if the candidate does not appear to meet the requirements or expectations set by the Client. Nor is Builders liable for damages resulting from any acts or omissions of candidates who have entered the employment of the Client.
  5. The time frame specified by Builders within which an assignment can be completed is only indicative. The Client cannot derive any rights from this.
  6. The Client is obliged to immediately inform Builders of any employment contracts or contracts for services entered into with one or more candidates for the position to which the Assignment relates, and immediately provide Builders with a copy of the relevant employment contract or letter of appointment or contract for services. The same applies to each employment contract or contract for services entered into by the Client within one year of the completion of the Agreement with one or more candidates known to it from a selection procedure with Builders, irrespective of the position that the candidate will fulfil with the Client.

Article 4. End of assignment